Research Professor
CONACYT-Universidad Autonoma del Carmen
Calle 56 #4 Esq. Av. Concordia, Col. Benito Juárez
Ciudad del Carmen
Campeche, Mexico C.P. 24180
Tel: 52 938 3811018
Sea Turtle Conserv. Program
Pronatura Península de Yucatán
Calle 32 #269 x 47 y 47- A
Col. Pinzón II. CP. 97205
Mérida, Yucatán, México
Tel. +52 999 988 4436/4437 ext. 110 & 112
2. Prohibition of the 1 of May to the 31 of August, size capture minim 450 mm (length carapace), 1974. SEPESCA
3. Decree of the 29/10/86 (D.O.F.) that establishes to 17 beaches of nesting like Zones of Reserve and Sites of Refuge and later changes like Sanctuaries in 2002. SEPESCA
4. Decree of total and permanent prohibition for all the species and subspecies of sea turtle, 1990. SEPESCA
5. NOM-002-PESC-1993 that establishes the obligatory use of TEDs in trawls shrimp fishers in the Gulf Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
6. NOM-029-PESC-2006, Fishing responsible for sharks and rays, which establish that the fishing directed to these species will not be able to be made in a marine strip of 5 km of wide front to main beaches of nesting.
Cuevas, E., Guzmán-Hernández, V., González-Garza, B., García-Alvarado, P. A., González-Días-Mirón, R., Arenas-Martínez, A., Torres-Burgos, E., Manzanilla-Castro, S. y F. A. Abreu-Grobois. (Editores). 2007. Reunión preliminar para la diagnosis de la tortuga Carey en el Golfo de México y Mar Caribe. Pronatura Península de Yucatán-USFWS. 32 pp
Fleming, E. H. 2001. Swimming Against the Tide: Recent surveys of exploitation, trade and management of marine turtles in the Northern Caribbean. Traffic North America 161 pages.
Guzmán, V., Cuevas, F. E., F. A. Abreu-G., González-G. B., García, A. P., y Huerta, R. P. (Compiladores) 2008. Resultados de la reunión del grupo de trabajo de la tortuga de carey en el Atlántico mexicano. Memories. CONANP/EPC/ APFFLT /PNCTM/. ix+244pp.
Jaramillo, A. P. 2005. First Annual Report for the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles.
Vicente Guzmán Hernández, Informe Technico Final del Programa de conservacion de tortugas marinas de campeche, mexico en 2005, incluye, informe del campamento isla Aguada, INE/DGVS/TM-007-CAMP Y XICALANGO-VICTORIA.